It’s no understatement to say COVID-19 fundamentally changed the way we think about work—it forced companies to accelerate digital transformation and fully embrace the idea of a remote workforce. And with the recent push to return to offices, the pandemic has now forced us to rethink what it means to work in an office. Thanks to IoT technology, returning to work can not only be safer for everyone, but also more efficient. Let’s take a look at 3 ways IoT technology is enabling smart offices and making the return to work better than ever.
#1 - Improved safety
The first thing anyone has to confront when returning to work is a building’s point of entry. Many companies are installing smart camera IoT systems in their lobbies that can scan a person to instantly determine their temperature. These same camera systems can also use facial recognition to grant or deny building access, making swiping cards or using pin pads a thing of the past. Other touchless innovations can detect and read a keycard wirelessly then unlock doors for workers, and IR sensors in elevators or meeting room kiosks can detect user input at a distance.
#2 - More energy efficient
The push toward greater energy efficiency is accelerating across the globe. Businesses everywhere are trying to figure out how to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce waste. One way companies are doing this is with sensors that can detect when workers are present in an office. These sensors can then trigger lights to turn off when no one is around and also turn off heating/air conditioning when it’s not needed. This level of automation might seem simple but it can go a long way in reducing the amount of electricity a building uses—especially when implemented all around the world.
#3 - Better use of spaces
One of the biggest benefits of returning to work is the opportunity to meet with co-workers face to face, but for many employees, just being able to find an available meeting room can be a challenge. Smart office solutions and sensors can now detect when a meeting is a “no show” and then free up that meeting space for someone else. Location-responsive smartphone apps can also calculate where employees are within a workspace and what resources (like meeting rooms) are available to them, allowing them to book meeting spaces and collaborate more efficiently.